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Our spacelist: 20 songs to put you in a good mood

If you are both a music and space lover, this post is for you.

Within the D-Sat team we all share the passion and fascination for space. Also, we all listen to music while working to get rhythm and motivation. Thinking of that, we’ve collected a list of songs from any music genre with space-related lyrics or titles.

So, whether your music style is rock, pop, jazz, or classic, we’ve got you covered.

And that’s because, besides our desire to share our passion with you, we care about you and your performance at work. Biologically speaking, harmonious sounds and melodies encourage the release of dopamine in the reward area of the brain and that’s why music listening has a positive effect on workplace performance. Teresa Lesiuk, an assistant professor in the music therapy program at the University of Miami says that when we are focusing on the imperfections of life, music can generate a positive mood alteration and bring us back to the present moment.

Putting together scientific facts and personal music tastes, here it is our top 20:

"Fly Me to the Moon" — Frank Sinatra

"We're All Made of Stars" — Moby

"Looking for Astronauts­" — The National

"Pluto" — 2 Skinnee J’s

“Space Junk" — DEVO

“A sky full of stars” – Coldplay

“Across the Universe” - The Beatles

"I Don't Want to Live on the Moon" —"Sesame Street" (sung by Ernie)

"Space Baby" — The Tubes

“Satellite of Love” - Lou Reed

"There's a Moon in the Sky (Called the Moon)" — B-52s

"Space Travel Is Boring" — Modest Mouse

"Black Star" — Radiohead

“Starlight" — Muse

"Galaxies" — Laura Veirs

"The Planets Bend Between Us" - Snow Patrol

"2,000 Light Years from Home" - The Rolling Stones

"Man on the Moon" - R.E.M.

"Spacelab" - Kraftwer

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